girl in dress and hat walking with horse in long grass field

Lucy is a very close friend of mine, we’ve known each other since Secondary School. Although we don’t get to see each other often, every time we’re together it’s like no time has passed. Lucy and I have done many Fashion shoots together as she used to model, she now owns her own dance school in Brigg, North Lincolnshire.

Lucy and myself have both shared a dream of having our own horses since we were young, and last year Lucy’s dream finally came true when she met this incredibly handsome pinto; Tango. Tango is an absolute dream and the perfect horse for Lucy, their bond is amazing and they hit it off straight away. He’s taught her so much already and really looks after his rider.

Lucy keeps Tango with his field buddy Edwin on their private land, right next to a stunning Georgian House they are renovating to reflect it’s former glory. You can follow the progress of Grove House Barrow here. Lucy keeps it regularly updated with behind the scenes content, it’s incredibly interesting and amazing to see the hard work going into this beautiful property.

woman in dress and hat stood with horse eating grass next to fence

For Lucy & Tango’s Equestrian Styled Shoot, we started with some black background shots in the stable doorway before changing outfit and heading out into the long grass near the house. Tango has a little party trick where he will give a kiss when asked, which made for some really cute pics.

We had planned several outfit choices and had lots of areas on the privately owned land to shoot. We even encouraged Lucy’s Husband Seb to join in. For the last outfit we went into the field with Tango, as Lucy had suggested doing some bareback ridden shots when we were planning the shoot. We had Seb just out of shot close by, and Tango was in a space he knew well and felt comfortable in. He was also used to me and my camera by this point and didn’t bat an eye when Lucy mounted him. We captured some shots of Edwin too as he was keen to get involved, once we let him out of his stable.

To finish the shoot we captured a wholesome family shot of everyone together, including their beautiful Golden Retriever Io.

Pony cantering across a field
man and woman with two horses and a dog in a field

Lucy loved every photo we captured and purchased them all to remember these wonderful moments with her gorgeous boy Tango.

If these images have inspired you to book your Equestrian Lifestyle Photoshoot with your Horse, to capture your own unique connection and friendship, crystalizing these memories for generations to come, keep scrolling to reach my contact form for more information and a Price Guide.

Or give me a call on 07527 408 813.


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