Easter Fete Competition Winner!

**Announcing the Winner of the Easter Fete Competition!**

I’m thrilled to announce the winner of my Competition at Carlton Towers Easter Fete, last weekend!

The winner is...

Marie & Oscar Clayton!

Congratulations to Marie & Oscar, they’ve won all of this:

  • 2 hour photo session

  • 10 images in print and on USB

  • In a stunning Wooden Folio Box

  • Comprehensive Consultation

  • Styling Advice

  • Editing

  • Private Gallery Viewing

It was lovely to chat with everyone who entered and hear about your own Horses, (and Dogs for some of you too)! Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry!

I’ll be be in touch directly with Marie & Oscar to arrange their photoshoot.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

Thank you again for participating!

Victoria x


Paige & Thomas


Goodbye Studio, Hello Horses!