Shelby & Gingo
I first met Shelby about 8 years ago when I was looking for a horse share in North Lincolnshire. She has a handsome 16.2 bay Thoroughbred named Gingo. I instantly fell in love with his gentle and loving nature and rode him for around 4 years.
He taught me so much about caring for and riding a Horse that wasn’t a Riding School Pony. He took me on my first impromptu gallop whilst out hacking, we later called this particular field ‘the galloping field’, as the horses just couldn’t resist a good run and it became loads of fun taking them there to blow out the cobwebs. I had so much fun and so many happy memories sharing Gingo with Shelby, but due to moving areas and work commitments I was too far away to commit to helping with Gingo anymore.
One thing I’ve always wished I had the thought of doing, are more photos with the Horses that influenced my life. Those moments are now gone and I only have a few awkward selfies of me and Gingo down the yard (I’m rubbish at selfies).
Since then, myself and Shelby have stayed good friends and in April, as soon as I was allowed to start doing outdoor shoots again, I was straight down to her yard for a catch up and a mini photoshoot.
We began by doing some black background shots in the stable, which are definitely my favourites.
We also got a few photos of Gingo’s field buddy, the cheeky pony Harry.
Thank you to Shelby, Gingo (and Harry) for being my first photoshoot after a long and deflating lockdown. This shoot with friends was just what I needed to get back into the swing of it.